Central Secondary School Championship 2023

Hutt Valley Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2023 Central Secondary School Championship

Date: Saturday 29th to Sunday 30th July 2023
Venue: YMCA Gym, Somme Road, Heretaunga, Upper Hutt
Entries Due: Thursday 27th July. Late entries are at discretion of the competition organiser and are subject to a penalty fee.

Saturday 29th July
EventRegistrationStart Time
Individual Foil11am – 11:15am11:30am
Team Foil1:00pmTBC

Sunday 30th July
EventRegistrationStart Time
Individual Epee8:00am – 8:15am8:30am
Team Epee10:00amTBC
Individual Sabre12:30pm – 12:45pm1:00pm
Team Sabre1:30pmTBC

Central U11 / U13 and Novice Competition

Wellington South Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Fencing Central Secondary School Novice Competition 2023 on Saturday 24th June and Fencing Central Under 11 and Under 13 #2 Competition 2023 on Sunday 25th June.

Date: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June 2023
Venue: WSC Clubrooms, 8 Tanera Crescent, Brooklyn, Wellington
Entry fee: $20.00 for one event, $30.00 for 2+ events.
Entries due: Entries are due by Thursday 22nd June. Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the tournament organiser.

Secondary School Novice is open to any fencer who is in Year 7 – 13 at school with less than 24 months experience in fencing.
Under 11 is open to any fencer aged 10 or younger on January 1st 2023.
Under 13 is open to any fencer aged 12 or younger on January 1st 2023.

Saturday 24th June
EventRegistrationStart Time
Secondary School Novice Epee1:00pm1:30pm
Secondary School Novice Foil2:30pm3:00pm
Sunday 25th June
EventRegistrationStart Time
Mixed U11 Foil8:30am9:00am
Mixed U11 Epee9:00am9:30am
Mixed U13 Foil11:00am11:30am
Mixed U13 Epee12:00pm12:30pm
Start times of events may be delayed due to previous events.

Fencing Central Championship 2023

Hutt Valley Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2023 Fencing Central Senior Championship.

Date: Saturday 10th June to Sunday 11th June
Venue: Main Hall, Rongotai College, 170 Coutts Street, Wellington
Entries Due: Thursday 8th June. Entries received after this date will attract a $20.00 late fee.

Saturday 10th June
EventRegistrationStart Time
Individual Foil9:00am9:30am
Individual Sabre12:30pm1:00pm
Sunday 11th June
EventRegistrationStart Time
Individual Epee9:00am9:30am

Fencing Central Junior Championship 2023

Wellington Swords Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2023 Fencing Central Junior Championship.

Date: Saturday 13th May to Sunday 14th May
Venue: Main Hall, Rongotai College, 170 Coutts Street, Wellington
Entries Due: Thursday 11th May. Entries received after this date will attract a late fee.
Eligibility: All competitors must be aged 19 years or younger as of 1st January 2023.

Saturday 13th May
EventRegistrationStart Time
Individual Foil9:00am – 9:15am9:30am
Individual Sabre12:30pm – 13:45pm1:00pm
Sunday 14th May
EventRegistrationStart Time
Individual Epee9:00am – 9:15am9:30am

President’s Cup 2023

Fencing New Zealand and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2023 President’s Cup and Veteran’s Sabre Championship. Thank you to the Pub Charity for their generous support of this event.

Date: Saturday 27th May to Sunday 28th May 2023
Venue: Upper Gym, Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Wellington
Entries Due: Friday 19th May. Entries received after this date will attract a $50.00 late fee.

Saturday 27th May
EventRegistrationStart Time
Men’s Foil7:45am8:30am
Women’s Epee8:45am9:30am
Men’s Sabre11:30am12:15pm
Women’s Sabre12:45pm1:30pm
Veteran’s Sabre1:15pm2:00pm
Sunday 28th May
EventRegistrationStart Time
Men’s Epee7:45am8:30am
Women’s Foil8:45am9:30am

Central U11 & U13 #1 Competition 2023

Hutt Valley Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Fencing Central Under 11 and Under 13 #1 Competition 2023 on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April 2023.

Date: Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April 2023
Venue: Riverside Gym, Upper Hutt College, Moonshine Road, Trentham
Entry fee: $20.00 for one weapon, $30.00 for 2+ weapons.
Entries due: Entries are due by Thursday 30th March. Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the tournament organiser.

If sufficient entries to host a separate under 9 event are received, a separate event may be held in parallel with the under 13 event for each weapon. This will be communicated by the tournament organisers after final entry numbers are confirmed.

Saturday 1st April
EventRegistrationStart Time
Under 11 Epee1:00pm1:30pm
Under 13 Epee3:00pm3:30pm
Sunday 2nd April
EventRegistrationStart Time
Under 11 Foil8:30am9:00am
Under 13 Foil11:30am12:00pm

CANCELLED: Central U9, U11 & U13 #4 2022

UPDATE (4th November, 8:00pm): Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, Fencing Central and Hutt Valley Fencing Club have had to make the decision to cancel this tournament at late notice.

Hutt Valley Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Central Under 9, Under 11, and Under 13 #4 Competition 2022 on Sunday 6th November at YMCA Upper Hutt.

This tournament is open to any fencer aged under 9, under 11 or under 13 as at 1st January 2022.

If insufficient entries to host a separate under 9 event are received, this will be fenced as a combined event with the under 11 event. The format of each event will be determined on the day according to the number of entries received.

Sunday 6th November
EventRegistrationEvent Start
Mixed U9 & U11 Epee8:30am9:00am
Mixed U13 Epee10:00am10:30am
Mixed U9 & U11 Foil11:30am12:00pm
Mixed U13 Foil1:00pm1:30pm

Entry fee: $20.00 for one event, $30.00 for 2+ events.
Entries are due by Friday 4th November. Late entries will not be accepted.
All entries must be made via the official entry form below, with entries made by email not accepted.

Friendly Feilding Fencing Feast

FAHS Sabres Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Friendly Feilding Fencing Feast 2022 on Saturday 12th November at Feilding High School. This will include a social BBQ lunch between the Epee and Sabre events.

Entries close Wednesday 9th November.

Saturday 12th November
EventRegistrationStart Time

Central U11 & U13 #3 2022

Wellington Swords Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Central Under 11 and Under 13 #3 Competition 2022 on Sunday 18th September at Wellington Swords Club.

Sunday 18th September
EventRegistrationEvent Start
Under 11 Epee8:30am9:00am
Under 13 Epee10:00am10:30am
Under 11 Foil11:30am12:00pm
Under 13 Foil1:00pm1:30pm

Entry fee: $20.00 for one weapon, $30.00 for 2+ weapons.
Entries are due by Friday 10th June. Entries received after this date will incur a $10.00 late fee. 

Central Open & Training Camp 2022

Hawke’s Bay Blades and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Fencing Central Open and Training Camp 2022.

Training Camp: 6 to 7 October 2022
Competition: 8 to 9 October 2022
Venue: Havelock North High School Gym, 153 Te Mata Road, Havelock North

The training camp will be instructed by Steve Clarke (Foil), Daniel Chan (Epee), and Baz Clark (Sabre) over two days.

The competition will include both individual and teams events, with free entry to all teams events, plus a bonus event for each weapon!

A social offsite BBQ will be hosted on the Saturday evening following the days events for everyone to come together and enjoy some good kai together.

If you have any questions about the events, please contact hbfencingclub@gmail.com

EventRegistrationStart Time
Saturday 8 October
Mixed Foil7:45am8:30am
Foil Teams11:00am11:30am
Mixed Sabre12:30pm1:00pm
Sabre Teams2:30pm3:00pm
Offsite BBQ6:00pm
Sunday 9 October
Mixed Epee8:00am8:30am
Teams Epee12:00pm12:30pm