Fencing Central Secondary School Individuals Championship 2021

Wellington Swords Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2021 Fencing Central Secondary School Individuals Championship.

Date: Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th June 2021
Venue: Rongotai College Main Hall, 170 Coutts Street, Rongotai, Wellington
Entries due: Thursday, 10th June 2021 – Late entries will incur a late fee
Entry fee: $40.00 for one weapon, $50.00 for 2+ weapons

Saturday 12th June
EventRegistrationStart time
Individual Epee9:00am9:30am
Individual Sabre12:30pm1:00pm
Sunday 13th June
EventRegistrationStart time
Individual Foil9:00am9:30am

Central Secondary School Novice #1 2021

Wellington Swords Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2021 Central Secondary School Novice #1 Competition.
To be eligible to compete, you must be in years 7 to 13 at school and has less than a total of 24 months experience in fencing.

Date: Sunday, 30th May 2021
Venue: Wellington Swords Club, 8 Tanera Crescent, Brooklyn, Wellington
Entries due: Friday, 28th May 2021 – Late entries will incur a $10.00 fee
Entry fee: $20.00 for one weapon, $30.00 for two weapons

Sunday 30th May
EventRegistrationStart time
Mixed Novice Epee9:00am9:30am
Mixed Novice Foil11:00am11:30am

Fencing Central Championship 2021

Hutt Valley Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2021 Fencing Central Senior Championship.

Date: 22nd and 23rd May 2021
Venue: River Gym, Upper Hutt College, 57 Moonshine Road, Upper Hutt
Entries due: Thursday 20th May – Late entries will incur a $20.00 fee
Entry fee: $40.00 for one weapon, $50.00 for 2+ weapons

Saturday 22nd May
EventRegistrationStart time
Mixed Individual Epee9:00am9:30am
Mixed Individual Sabre12:30pm1:00pm
Sunday 23rd May
EventRegistrationStart time
Mixed Individual Foil9:00am9:30am

National Under 15 and Cadet Championships 2021

Fencing New Zealand and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2021 New Zealand National Under 15 and Cadet Championships.

Date: Saturday 24th April to Monday 26th April
Venue: Upper Gym, Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Wellington
Entries Due: 10:00pm Saturday 10th April. Entries received after this time will incur a $50.00 late fee.
Entry Fee: $60.00 for one event. $30.00 for each additional event.

A competition dinner will be held on the evening of Saturday 24th April at Thai Tara Restaurant. Please RSVP to tournaments@fencingcentral.org.nz by Tuesday 20th April.

Saturday 24th April
EventRegistration OpensRegistration ClosesStart Time
Cadet Men’s Foil8:15am8:30am9:00am
Cadet Women’s Epee8:45am9:00am9:30am
U15 Men’s & Women’s Epee12:15pm12:30pm1:00pm
Sunday 25th April
EventRegistration OpensRegistration ClosesStart Time
U15 Men’s & Women’s Foil12:15pm12:30pm1:00pm
U15 & Cadet Men’s & Women’s Sabre3:15pm3:30pm4:00pm
Monday 26th April
EventRegistration OpensRegistration ClosesStart Time
Cadet Men’s Epee8:15am8:30am9:00am
Cadet Women’s Foil9:15am9:30am10:00am

For a list of competitors, refer to the Entry List
For full details and the entry form, refer to the Official Information Sheet

Central Under 11 & Under 13 #1 2021

Wellington South Fencing Club and Fencing Central invites you to attend the 2021 Fencing Central Under 11 & Under 13 #1 Competition on Sunday 11th April at Wellington Swords Club.

Sunday 11th April
EventRegistrationEvent Start
Under 11 Epee8:30am9:00am
Under 13 Epee10:00am10:30am
Under 11 Foil11:30am12:00pm
Under 13 Foil1:00am1:30pm

Entry fee: $20.00 for one weapon, $30.00 for 2+ weapons.
Entries are due by Friday 9th April. Entries received after this date will incur a $10.00 late fee. 

To register, please CLICK HERE.