Central U11 & U13 Competition #4

Hutt Valley Fencing Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Fencing Central Under 11 and Under 13 Competition #4 on Sunday 5 November 2023.

Date: Sunday 5 November 2023
Venue: YMCA Gym, Somme Road, Heretaunga, Upper Hutt
Entry fee: $20.00 for one event, $30.00 for 2+ events.
Entries due: Entries are due by Thursday 2nd November. Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the tournament organiser.

Under 11 is open to any fencer aged 10 or younger on January 1st 2023.
Under 13 is open to any fencer aged 12 or younger on January 1st 2023.

Sunday 5 November 2023
EventRegistrationStart Time
Mixed U9 Foil8:30am9:00am
Mixed U11 Foil8:30am9:00am
Mixed U11 Epee9:00am9:30am
Mixed U13 Foil11:00am11:30am*
Mixed U13 Epee12:00pm12:30pm*
*Please note that start times of events may be delayed due to previous events.