National Secondary School Championship 2023

Fencing New Zealand and Fencing Central invite you to attend the 2023 National Secondary School Championship. Thank you to Wellington City Council for funding the venue hire for this event.

Date: Saturday 26th August to Sunday 27th August 2023
Venue: Upper Gym, Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Wellington
Entries Due: Friday 18th August. Entries received after this date will attract a $50.00 late fee.

Saturday 26th August
EventRegistrationStart Time
Men’s Foil7:45am8:30am
Women’s Epee8:45am9:30am
Men’s Sabre1:15pm2:00pm
Women’s Sabre1:15pm2:00pm
Men’s Foil Teams11:30am12:30pm*
Women’s Epee Teams11:45am1:00pm*
Men’s Sabre Teams3:00pm3:30pm*
Women’s Sabre Teams3:00pm3:30pm*

Sunday 27th August
EventRegistrationStart Time
Men’s Epee7:45am8:30am
Women’s Foil8:45am9:30am
Men’s Epee Teams11:30am12:30pm*
Women’s Foil Teams11:45am1:00pm*
*Starting time may vary subject to completion of preceding events.